
More zombies ate my neighbors
More zombies ate my neighbors

more zombies ate my neighbors

The titular neighbors themselves were a hysterical and stereotypical grouping of the unsuspecting victims we all know so well from our favorite B-list horror movies. Read More: Revisiting LucasArts Classics from the ’90s You can hear it in the quirky and toe-tapping soundtrack, and in the wailing screams when you accidentally let a zombie eat one of your neighbors.

more zombies ate my neighbors

You can see it in the unmistakably cartoony graphics and in Zeke’s red and blue movie theater glasses. But to leave the description at that would do the game a grave injustice, as the charm of Zombies Ate My Neighborsis so much more than that. The premise of Zombies Ate My Neighborswas incredibly simple: you and a friend play as two teenage kids named Zeke and Julie, who have to save their dimwitted neighbors from a wacky zombie apocalypse. While the top-down, zany action shooter has had a rocky history over the years, it still stands as a game that was incredibly ahead of its time, wildly self-aware, and a strong contender for a modern remake after all these years. In 1993, nothing captured the feel of B-list horror movies as well as a little game from LucasArts called Zombies Ate My Neighbors.

More zombies ate my neighbors